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testare un servizio SMTP, con telnet

come faccio a sapere se un smtp funziona ?
ecco la risposta in 10 semplici mosse:
  1. At a command prompt, type Telnet and press ENTER.
  2. At the telnet prompt, type and press ENTER, and then type open localhost 25 and press ENTER.
    The output resembles the following:
    220 ESMTP Server (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service 5.5.2651.58) ready
  3. Type helo me and press ENTER.
    The output resembles the following:
    250 OK
  4. Type mail and press ENTER.
    The output resembles the following:
    250 OK - mail from <>
  5. Type rcpt and press ENTER.
    The output resembles the following:
    250 OK - Recipient <>
  6. Type Data and press ENTER.
    The output resembles the following:
    354 Send data. End with CRLF.CRLF
  7. Type Subject:This is a test and press ENTER twice.
  8. Type Testing and press ENTER.
  9. Press ENTER, type a period (.), and press ENTER.
    The output resembles the following:
    250 OK
  10. Type quit and press ENTER.
    The output resembles the following:
    221 Closing Port / Mail queued for delivery


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