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Apache Extended Log File Format

Description of Fields:

· Field 1: User Address
IP or domain name of the user accessing the site.

· Field 2: RFC931
Domain for multi-homed web servers.

· Field 3: User Authentication

· Field 4: Date/Time
Date and time the user accessed the site.

· Field 5: GMT Offset
Number of hours from GMT (if this is +0000 it is logged in GMT time).

· Field 6: Action
The particular operation of the hit (this must be in quotes).

· Field 7: Return Code
The return code indicates whether or not the action was successful etc.

· Field 8: Size
The size of the file sent.

· Field 9: Referrer
The URL which linked the user to your site

· Field 10: Browser/Platform
The web browser and platform used by the user accessing your site.


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